by Margaret D. Gill (Kawamuinyo)
These poems share the romance the author has with words and her habit of uplifting the local, the extra-rdinary. In so doing it offers a validation of the poem as personal history, and therefore history. The words themselves are offered as the objective correlative, since what stands behind them may ultimately be un-hareable -an aim to delight God and fellowship with the reader in what may well be simply groans. Nonetheless, let all that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as seek thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified…
Review Quotes
Ife Harris: “The poems are a unique blend of complex and true to life offerings; ‘On Seeing’ left a warm feeling as it took me back to younger days and grandparents.”
Michelle Barrow: “Margaret’s passion, wisdom and maturity shine through in these poems.”
About The Author
Taught, variously, literature, written english, Caribbean civilization studies and critical writing for over two decades at the Cave Hill Campus,The University of the West Indies. Published poet in several anthologies, including BIM Magazine and The Oxford Book of Caribbean Verse (2005). First Prize winner of the Inaugural Frank Collymore Literary Endowment Award (1998); 2008 one of nine international writers of the IWW. Visiting writers made media appearances, shared their work and interacted with students and staff at several universities in Hong Kong and China. Published reviews on various arts, public speaker.
Author’s Prior Works
Rich Man in His Castle, Poor Ones Take the Street: Integrating the ‘Canonical’ Text and Popular Culture – A study on the novel, In the Castle of My Skin, by George Lamming
Author’s Affiliations
The University of the West Indies – Cave Hill Campus, BIM Magazine, The Oxford Book of Caribbean Verse (2005), Frank Collymore Literary Endowment Award (1998)
Print Information
Publication Date: November 1st, 2021
Page Count: 52
Ebook ISBN: 978-976-96713-2-4
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